I’m starting to write here again after long time. I was keeping busy while working on ReactJS and it’s integration with Liferay. However, I’m here continuing from where I left and will start about ReactJs and its integration with Liferay soon.
In the previous two posts we’ve seen IPC via Public Render Parameter and Server Side Events. Today I’ll write about Client Side IPC at using Cookies. As IPC via Public Render Parameters and Server Side Events, this concept was also introduced in JSR 286.
Important point to note about Client Side IPC via Cookies is that we cannot have information stored/shared more than 4096 bytes in size, as this is the maximum size of a cookie allowed by browsers and maximum number of cookies allowed, varies browser to browser; which is, for example, 20 in case of IE and 600 in case of Safari Mobile. (You can read details here)
The scenario we’ll see here in snippet will be: creating the cookie in Portlet 1 and reading the same in portlet 2. I’m keeping name of the cookie ‘sampleIPCCookie’ for example.
Setting/Getting the cookie can be done by either of the method - server side (Java/JSP etc.) or client side (Javascript/JQuery etc.). Here I am writing example using of Javascript.
Let’s go and see the snippets.
Portlet 1: Setting the cookie Portlet 2: Fetching the cookie value in another portlet.
Client Side IPC via cookies is not a best practice of IPC and should be considered as the last option for implementing IPC. If it is very necessary to implement IPC at client side, one should first consider Client Side Events (which we’ll see in the next post) before considering this mechanism.
That’s all for today. Thanks for reading and have a nice day.