In the previous post, we have gone through the implicit objects provided by <portlet:defineObjects/>. In the continuation, today we will go through the implicit objects provided by <theme:defineObjects />.
Similar to <portlet:defineObjects/>, <theme:defineObjects /> is also an empty tag without any attribute, and must be included after the mentioned directive. Lets see the objects:
- ThemeDisplay themeDisplay - contains attributes such as groupId, company id, user id, if the user is logged in, etc..
- Company company – Portal instance specific information
- Account account – current user’s account object
- User user – logged in user’s attributes
- User realUser – in case of impersonation, gets the logged in user’s id
- Contact contact – current user’s contact object
- Layout layout – current page attributes
- List<Layout> layouts
- long plid - current portlet layout id
- LayoutTypePortlet layoutTypePortlet – object having information about portlets on the current layout
- long scopeGroupId – groupid of the current scope
- PermissionChecker permissionChecker – attributes regarding surrent user’s permission
- Locale locale – current user’s locale, determined by JVM
- TimeZone timeZone – current user’s timezone, determined by JVM
- Theme theme – attributes of current theme being rendered on the page
- ColorScheme colorScheme – attributes of the current colour scheme of the current theme
- PortletDisplay portletDisplay – attributes regarding name, ID, portlet mode etc.
That’s all for today. Thanks for reading and have a nice day.