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Thursday, August 15, 2013

A Note of Liferay Portlet URLs

In a portlet, we get our code executed by two ways - at the time of rendering of the portlet and another on some action which is generally a form submit or some event. For getting the same done, we have three different URLs in Liferay:
  1. Render URL (which is portlet URL and responsible for rendering of the portlet and in typical MVC portlet, the code of method doView() is executed)
  2. Action URL (which is also portlet URL and responsible for performing some action with page reload and in typical MVC portlet, the code method processAction() is executed, and is followed by renderRequest)
  3. Resource URL (which is NOT a portlet URL but it extends the same base URL, is responsible for performing some action without page reload i.e. Ajax and in typical MVC portlet, the code of method serveResource() is executed and is NOT followed bt render request, Resource Serving was not available in JSR168 but its avaible in JSR286.
We can create these URL mainly by four approaches:
  1. Using TagLib
  2. Using Java
  3. Using Javascript (AUI)
  4. Using Velocity

Now we'll see how we can create these three type of URLs with the above four approaches considering that you have done all necessary imports:

1. Using Taglib

Render URL:
here we are setting the window state of the portlet to maximum and a custom parameter(message).
Action URL:
Resource URL:

2. Using Java

Render URL:
Using RenderResponse:
Using PortletUrlFactory:
Action URL:
Using RenderResponse:

Using PortletUrlFactory:
Resource URL:
Using RenderResponse:
Using PortletUrlFactory:

3. Using Javascript (AUI)
Render URL:

Action URL:

Resource URL:

The following can be set on these portlet URL methods:
  • setCopyCurrentRenderParameters: function(copyCurrentRenderParameters);
  • setDoAsUserId: function(doAsUserId);
  • setEncrypt: function(encrypt);
  • setEscapeXML: function(escapeXML);
  • setLifecycle: function(lifecycle);
  • setName: function(name);
  • setParameter: function(key, value);
  • setPlid: function(plid);
  • setPortletConfiguration: function(portletConfiguration);
  • setPortletId: function(portletId);
  • setPortletMode: function(portletMode);
  • setResourceId: function(resourceId);
  • setSecure: function(secure);
  • setWindowState: function(windowState);
  • toString: function();

4. Using velocity: Here we have to replace correct portletId and plid for getting the URL generated correctly.
Render URL:
Action URL:
Resource URL:
Hope you enjoyed the read.


  1. Hi Prakash,

    Thank you for the information. It is really helpful!

    I have one question to generate portlet urls using Javascript (AUI), should any JavaScript file imported into portlet jsp ?? If so, would you mind sharing the steps to do ?

    I appreciate any help!


    1. You just need t import AUI as follows
      < % @ taglib uri="" prefix="aui" % >

  2. Hi,
    Is it possible to set the secure flag with velocity version ?

